

Your orientation will take place through various methods:

2) 研究生入学介绍PDF
3) The Catalog 你作为学生和BUF之间有合同吗. You will be responsible for the catalog requirements. Please pay extra attention to pages 14-45, 48-71, and 76-79.
4) 学生手册
5) 注册包 and 新生迎新表格 -把你的表格发邮件给Mrs. 斯蒂芬妮·奥尔@ sworr@buf.edu no later than the end of the first week of the semester. (或者用邮政邮件寄给Mrs. Stephanie Orr, BUF, 学院道5400号, 格雷斯维尔,佛罗里达州32440)

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact:


请注意: 所有深蓝色的文字都是"Links" and must be clicked on to access needed information.


You will find valuable information on the BUF website, http://www.buf.edu/, such as:


你收到你的 学生的用户名、密码和IDnumber from I.T. 一旦你被大学录取. These will be emailed to your personal email account that you provided to BUF. 不要和别人分享你的密码. 您的身份证号是一个唯一的6位数字,有时会用于验证您的身份. Keep your login information and ID number in a safe place for future reference. If you have any questions, please contact Admissions at 800-328-2660, ext. 460, or  admissions@buf.eduIf you have just been admitted, your student email and password will arrive soon.

Our learning management system is called MyBCF (e-learning by Jenzabar). 您将通过两种方式访问MyBCF:

  • Go to the website and choose the MyBUF link at the top of the page
  • Go to http://mybcf.sh-fyz.com. You will need to login with your MyBUF credentials.

您必须使用您的学生用户名和密码登录MyBUF并访问您的个人数据. 在“用户名”框中输入您指定的用户名,在“密码”框中输入您指定的密码,然后单击“登录”或按键盘上的[Enter]键.

See instructional video about logging in to MyBUF:


  • 一旦您登录到MyBUF, look at the left sidebar at the pages entitled “Getting Started” and “Student Navigation.这些将帮助你浏览MyBUF.
  • A tutorial on navigating MyBUF is available under “Getting Started.”
  • IT 110 N provides more specific training about how to use MyBUF. As a graduate student you may take IT 110 N, but it is not required.


  • 您将收到一个BUF电子邮件帐户. All correspondence with the university will be through your BUF account. 你有责任定期检查. 在BUF网站的顶部找到电子邮件链接. 您将使用您指定的BUF电子邮件地址作为您的用户名,并使用您指定的密码作为密码.
  • 设置好你的邮箱后, 您可能需要设置或完成双因素验证(带有6位数代码的短信或按#的电话).
  • For more information on setting up your BUF email, you can go here.


Students must pay 75% of charges prior to beginning classes each semester. The remaining 25% balance is due forty-five calendar days later. 未按期付款的学生将在退课/加课期结束时被退课. 付款方式:网上支票信用卡-致电BUF(800-328-2660)按“0”为大学总机, 然后找商务办公室.

ID Cards

You can request a student ID card if the school has your photo on file. 对ID的请求需要发送给Mrs. 斯蒂芬妮·奥尔 sworr@buf.edu. 我们要求您将自己的护照风格的照片(请不要穿t恤)通过电子邮件发送给Mrs. Orr. The picture file name must include student ID number, 学生的名字, 你是一个在线学生. An example file name would be Doe, John –ID123456-Online.


Your rights to privacy concerning your student information are protected. If you want your academic information to be discussed with someone other than yourself, you will need to sign the FERPA Permission to Release Information form. 本表格将作为学期开始时通过电子邮件发送给您的文件包的一部分. You will need to stipulate persons with whom your academic information can be shared. Return the completed form via mail to the university. 这只适用于18岁及以上的人.

Important: Please note that before speaking to your parent/spouse/representative, we will ask the registrar to look at your file to see if we have this permission form. 如果没有存档的话, 一旦你被大学录取,我们就不能和你以外的任何人说话.


佛罗里达浸会大学必须为所有向学术事务执行副总裁提交适当的残疾文件的残疾人提供合理的便利. 需要特殊住宿的学生应在学期开始前或开始时与教务处联系. 然后,教务执行副主席将通知每个学生所需住宿的课程的教授. 然后,学生应该联系每个教授讨论住宿的实施. 看水流 学生手册、残疾学生.



  • Books can be purchased through BUF’s online bookstore: logo电子图书. 学生也可以从其他零售商那里购买.
  • 您还可以在完成课程搜索后在注册模块上查看您的教科书,并在注册后查看您的学生时间表. 点击+号.
  • Order your books as soon as you register to ensure that you get them in a timely fashion. 请记得预留装运时间.
  • 如果您需要帮助订购教科书,请联系Beth Andrews |教务处行政助理办公室 deandrews@buf.edu 或800-328-2660分机. 414.



  • BUF图书馆应该是您所有学术研究需求的首选,并且完全可供在线学生使用.
  • Extensive resources are available to all BUF students. 这些资源包括:
    • 打印和电子材料准备结帐
      • 乐谱,主题-百科全书 & Dictionaries, Fun Fiction, DVDs, Literary Criticisms, Commentaries, & 教师教育类书籍
    • On-demand 24/7 databases that provide scholarly research materials
    • WorldCat 24/7 to view resources available worldwide
    • Inter-Library Loan (ILL) services for articles and books
  • 欲了解更多信息,请访问myBUF门户网站上的“图书馆”选项卡,或向图书管理员发送电子邮件 给图书管理员发邮件 或致电850-263-3261转449.
  • 请注意: Materials are mailed out at the library’s expense. Return postage is the responsibility of the student.

Click here 浏览资讯影片.


您应该已经收到了我们IT部门的电子邮件,其中包含您的用户名和密码以及计算机使用政策. 请务必签署本保险单并将其交回:


可以找到该策略 here.


  • 好消息! As a BUF student, you now have a Microsoft Office 365 education account. 在MyBUF上,在页面左侧的快速链接下寻找“BUF Office 365”链接. Use your BUF email and password to log in and look around.
  • 您的帐户为您提供无限的云存储空间和Microsoft Office Suite网络版本以及完整版本的程序(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher, etc.) for *free* on up to 5 personal computers and up to 10 smartphones, iPads and/or tablets as long as you have an active BUF email address.
  • If you do not have the latest version of Microsoft Office, 强烈建议您使用您的帐户下载并安装“免费”Office套件, to avoid issues students sometimes encounter with older versions of Microsoft Office.
  • 一个与你的BUF电子邮件地址相关联的Office 365帐户将是观看讲座和其他材料所必需的. 如果你收到一条消息,说你没有访问讲座或其他材料的课程, 确保与您的BUF电子邮件地址绑定的Office 365帐户是活动帐户. 联系LMS教师助理寻求帮助.


  • BUF courses, both classroom and online, require computer usage.
  • For academic success, at a minimum, students must be proficient in the following areas:
    • 文档处理:创建, editing, 格式化, saving, and printing a document in Microsoft Word (or a similar word processor).
    • Internet:访问Internet, 使用搜索引擎, 在网站内导航, 撰写和发送电子邮件通信.
  • 一些在线课程或有在线组件的课程需要额外的计算机技能.
    • 这些课程包括, 但不限于, speech- related or music-related courses offered in an online format.


  • 为了工作成功, 佛罗里达浸会大学的学生必须拥有最新的计算机硬件和软件.
  • 所有的课程, 在线和课堂, 包含一些使用电子学习的在线组件, Jenzabar的LMS(学习管理系统).
  • 学生应:
    • 接收电子邮件
    • 查找信息
    • 完成并提交作业
  • 拥有或使用所需的计算机硬件和软件是学生的责任.
    • 需要的物品在目录中有说明.
    • Instruments such as phones, tablets, and Chromebooks are NOT 足以完成所有要求的工作.


  • Participation in online courses is tracked and is vital to your success as a student. You must participate each week and remain active in your courses.
  • 参与的衡量标准是:
    • 提交论坛帖子或回复
    • 提交测验或测试
    • 提交任何可分级的作业
    • Personal, phone, or email contact with the professor regarding specific coursework.
  • If you become inactive, you will receive notification via email and a phone call.
  • Staying inactive could lead to failure of the course.


  • 抄袭是不能容忍的.
  • 根据《足球外围比较靠谱的网站》(Van Rys et.al., 2018, p. 434), 剽窃的定义是, 用别人的话说, ideas, or images (what’s called intellectual property) so they appear to be your own. 当你抄袭时, 您使用原始材料-无论是在印刷或在线出版-没有承认来源.”
  • 在本质上, 剽窃是指有意或无意地使用任何类型的智力作品作为自己的创造性思想或作品.
  • 抄袭最常见的形式是学生在没有注明原作者的情况下复制或提交他人的单词或句子.
  • Even if the words are changed and are not verbatim, if the context and thought of the structure of the words remain the same, 这仍然构成了剽窃.
  • 所有的研究——无论是引用还是释义——都必须被引用(脚注和参考书目)。.
  • Plagiarism may also include self-plagiarism: that is, 当学生在没有得到课程教授明确许可的情况下,提交他或她之前的课程或作业的版本以获得课程学分时.


  • 在学生的学术生涯中,大学政策包括三个步骤或三个级别的抄袭纪律. First offense: reduction of the student’s grade on the assignment by a justifiable amount based on the offense and the student’s intent; second offense: failure of the student for the course; third offense: failure for the course and referral to the Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs for disciplinary action.


Dr. Robin Jumper | Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs
800-328-2660 Ext. 425

Beth Andrews | Administrative Assistant Office of Academic Affairs
800-328-2660 ext. 414

  Maegan Erp | LMS Faculty Assistant; Online Program Contact
  mjerp@buf.edu or lms@buf.edu 
  800-328-2660 Ext. 429

Hugo Garcia |  LMS Faculty Assistant; Online Program Contact; Attendance Clerk
hagarcia@buf.edu or lms@sh-fyz.com
800-328-2660 Ext. 523

800.328.2660 ext. 454

800.328.2660 ext. 408